(This post is one of a series that updates Chad Fowler's Rails Recipes for Rails 2.x.)
What. Like the first recipe, this one provides in-place editing. It is in-place editing of a country field. Instead of a text field, the editor control is a drop down list of countries.
How. The in-place editor plugin is extended to add this functionality.
- In place editing was moved out of Rails with version 2, so you will need the in placed editor plugin.
- The country list also moved out. Unfortunately, lists of countries are not without controversy, e.g., is Taiwan a country or a province? So there are multiple plugins that provide lists of countries.
- Some changes to the Scriptaculous interface require that another option be passed to Ajax.InPlaceSelectEditor.
1. The method in app/helpers/application_helper.rb should look like this:
def in_place_select_editor(field_id, options = {})
js_options = {}
# Necessary for the submit to work
js_options['callback'] = "function(form) { return #{options[:with]} }" if options[:with]
# Necessary for the options to show up
js_options['selectOptionsHTML'] = %('#{escape_javascript(options[:select_options].gsub(/\n/, ""))}')
function = "new Ajax.InPlaceSelectEditor("
function << "'#{field_id}', "
function << "'#{url_for(options[:url])}'"
function << (', ' + options_for_javascript(js_options)) unless js_options.empty?
function << ')'
2. The following line must be added to the controller:
in_place_edit_for :contact, :country